RRSP Funds on Hold

Non-Allocated RRSP Funds

Eligible Equity members who have not opened an RRSP account may have RRSP funds on hold.

To open an RRSP account and avoid losing unallocated RRSP funds, please download and complete the RRSP Application Form. Send your completed form to Equity's Membership Administrator (1-800-387-1856 or 416-867-9165 in Toronto) as soon as possible to open an RRSP account and connect you with your benefits.


Click here for more information about RRSPs.

In accordance with Bylaw 156(H), if an Artist does not open an RRSP account, it will eventually result in the assignment of their funds to The AFC (afchelps.ca). Note: U.S. Equity members must have a Canadian social insurance number to open an RRSP account in Canada.