Not In OUR Space!


Not in OUR Space!

NotInOURSpace Logo

Not in OUR Space! is a national anti-harassment and respectful workplace program working with engagers across disciplines, developed by Equity. It seeks to ensure safe working conditions for all professionals working in live performance across the country.

Equity is committed to the pursuit of safe and respectful workplaces for all artists working under its contracts and will not tolerate nor condone unprofessional or inappropriate member behaviour, such as: abuse of power, discrimination, harassment, reprisal, or violence.


How do I get help?

Having a problem while working under an Equity agreement or engagement policy? 

HAVEN flowchart


Not In OUR Space! Objectives

  • Stop harassment before it starts.
  • Encourage collective accountability and responsibility for creating and maintaining safe and respectful workplaces.
  • Empower members to speak out against harassment in any form.
  • Educate Equity members and their co-workers about unprofessional behaviours that undermine safe and respectful workplace.
  • Focus on effective anti-harassment strategies.
  • Provide resources and assistance.

Equity Working With Engagers

Equity is committed to the pursuit of safe and respectful workplaces by promoting zero tolerance for acts of racism, discrimination of any kind, harassment, violence, unprofessional behaviour, reprisal, or abuse of power. Equity is working with the professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT) and other engagers across disciplines, dedicating energy to cultivating and supporting the community in creating safe and respectful working environments across Canada in the live performance sector.

A key piece of Not in OUR Space! is a Joint First Day Statement [below] presented to the company by both an Equity company member and a representative of the Engager on the first day of rehearsal. If a presentation has not yet taken place in your workplace, email


What Can I Do?

If It's Happening To You... Remember, You Are Not Alone.

  • Use the HAVEN Online Form to report the incident.
  • Write down places, dates, times, people involved, witnesses and what happened. Make sure to record how the experience affected you.
  • Reach out to someone you trust, such as the Stage Manager or Liaison and discuss available resources and assistance.
  • Consider speaking with the designated engager contact and tell them what has happened, if you feel comfortable.

If You Are A Witness...

  • Discrimination, harassment and bullying in the workplace affects everyone in the company by creating a toxic work environment.
  • Support your co-worker(s) and encourage them to use HAVEN.
  • Consider speaking with the engager about the toxic workplace, if you feel comfortable.
  • If the situation isn’t resolved or is getting worse, use HAVEN to ask for support.
  • Keep a written record. This can help in resolving the situation.

Who Can Help?


Engagers are legally responsible for maintaining safe and respectful workplaces under provincial labour law. All engagers, regardless of size, must have a workplace anti-harassment policy – if the engager does not have an anti-harassment policy or is not helpful in locating it, contact an Equity Business Representative for assistance. If you have experienced any unprofessional behaviour in the workspace and the engager has not provided safe working conditions or is not addressing the issue satisfactorily, or you do not feel safe speaking to the engager, use the reporting platform HAVEN.


Any Artist working under an Equity contract reporting incidents of discrimination (including, but not limited to, acts of ableism, ageism, racism, sexism), abuse of power, harassment, unprofessional behaviour, reprisal, or violence caused by a member of Equity, should first report the incident through HAVEN, our confidential and bilingual incident reporting platform.

Artists can share information confidentially or anonymously with Equity, and request follow-up assistance from an Equity Respectful Workplace Advisor, if needed.

Visit HAVEN for additional information.

Respectful Workplace Advisor (RWA)

With your permission, your report to HAVEN will be reviewed and followed up by an RWA. RWAs are trained Equity staff members, who can provide informed and supportive strategies for addressing questions and concerns related to harassment in your workplace. They will also offer guidance if you decide to submit a formal complaint to Equity Council.

Examples of RWA assistance include:

  • Suggesting approaches for resolving the issue.
  • Locating and reviewing the Engager's harassment policy.
  • Contacting the Engager on behalf of the member, if requested.
  • Providing information on Equity’s formal complaint filing process, if needed.

Formal Complaints

Equity's Complaints and Disciplinary Process allows for formal complaints to be filed against a member if they are in violation of Equity's Bylaws. Visit Formal Complaints Process for more information.


The Member Guide to Respectful Workplaces

rwgThe Member Guide to Respectful Workplaces is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to all of the resources available through Equity for fostering safe and respectful workplaces – making it easier for artists to understand their rights and where to go for support. 

Developed by Equity Council’s Safe and Respectful Task Force, the Guide details responsibilities, preventive measures, resolutions and resources to help inform, empower, and support artists, and encourage a workplace free from harm and all forms of inappropriate behaviour. 

